Terms and Conditions
of Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab l provides Short term, Long term Rehabilitation and care for persons with Mental Illness & addiction to alcohol & drugs, who are in need of Rehabilitation, Residential Care & Treatment in an institution.
- On admission the Resident and Parents/Guardians should abide by the Rules and Regulations. (on admission the patient will be referred to as resident)
2.Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab is only a Treatment, Caretaking and Rehabilitation Centre. The Resident is accepted for this purpose only.
- The Parents/Guardians shall be responsible for any damage, breakage, accidents, injuries caused by the Resident to the materials and property of the Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab and to the personnel and other co-residents of the centre.
- During the period of stay in the centre, the resident shall not be eligible for any special privileges, except those permitted by the Management, and their decision shall be final.
A. Resident should participate in all Rehabilitation programmes and activities planned for him/her by the Centre.
B. If resident is in the habit of smoking/chewing tobacco, it may be necessary on the basis of medical advice to restrict him from consuming of tobacco, beedi, cigarette, gutkha, pan parag etc.
C. Consumption of alcohol/drugs in any form is strictly prohibited.
D. No Valuables, Cash, Mobile Phones, Watch and Laptop is permitted to be kept with the resident
5.Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the personal belongings of the resident like clothes, electronic items etc.
- Phone calls can be made to the resident and the counselor by family or persons authorized by family between 4 pm – 7 pm on stipulated numbers and days. No visitor will be allowed to see resident/patient even if they are authorized if they reach the premises after 7.30 pm.
a) It may be necessary for us to send resident outside the Centre on errands, for walks, for Medical Check-up and treatment, for shopping, for prayers at places of worship, picnics etc. all considered necessary for the well being and rehabilitation of the resident and such outings may be by foot or a vehicle (public or private). During such outings we shall not be held responsible if anything untoward happen to the resident.b) Any civil or criminal liability inviting legal action on the resident existing before admission or arising later shall not be the responsibility of
the Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab hospital.
c) In case of attempts of suicide/suicide by resident, happening beyond our control,Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab shall not be held responsible for such unfortunate instances.
- In case of resident escaping from Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab hospital, the organization will not be responsible for any criminal or civil liabilities and consequences arising out of the escape. The organization will inform the police in consultation with Parent / guardian by the quickest available means. The organization treats it as discharge with immediate effect on the same day and the Parent / Guardian has an option of re-admission.
A. Allotment of shared or single accommodation shall depend on the physical and mental health of the prospective resident as revealed in the medical reports and history. The preference of the family will also be given due consideration, but the prime consideration shall be the safety and well being of the resident as well as other residents of the Centre.
B. If the mental and physical condition of the resident who is provided with shared accommodation warrants shifting to single room at a later date & if so done difference in the fees shall have to be paid by parent / guardian.
C. Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab reserves the right to move resident within the various accommodation blocks for medical or any other purpose deemed essential for overall care and management
Either at the specific request of the family, or if the physical & Mental health status requires the services of an exclusive personal attendant on full time or part time basis, the same will be provided, the cost of which shall have to be met by the parent / guardian.
If the residents is taken out of Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab hospital premises for short or long duration on leave with permission then during this period of leave or absence the bed/accommodation will be kept reserved and the caretaking fees along with other fixed expenses will have to be paid by parent / guardian.
Parents/Guardians should periodically visit the Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab hospital to look to the welfare of their ward and also have discussions with the doctors and counselors. The visits shall be on week days (except on Saturday and Sunday evening). The visits are allowed only between 2pm to 7pm. To meet management personnel or any other professional involved in the treatment and care of the resident prior appointment is advisable. Keeping in mind the daily schedule of the counselors, the families can meet the counselors at specific timings only during their visit. The parent/guardian are requested not to give any money or tobacco in any form to the residents during the visits, though eatables can be carried inside by the patient only after being checked by the hospital staff. Tipping the staff is not encouraged. 12.
Smoking shall be regulated as may be advised by the Doctors and the treating team if required.
Administration of medicines shall be strictly as prescribed by the treating Doctors at Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab or by the consultant Physician/ Specialist.
A. Minimum of Rs 10,000.00 to be deposited at the time of admission and further to be deposited in between before the utilization of the initial amount deposited. Incase if the patient is being admitted under the package facility then the guardian will have to deposit the total amount in advance as told at the time of admission.
B. Under no circumstances extension on the due dates for payment will be entertained and Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab hospital reserves the rights to discharge the resident or send him to the address provided at the time of admission. Fine @ of Rs 250.00 per day can be imposed in case of delays in deposits.
C. The caution amount of Rs 7500.00 to Rs 10,000.00 taken at the time of admission of those residents who are admitted for longer period (minimum three months) can be utilized for emergency hospitalizations and other medical needs if needed.
D. Every year from April onwards there will be a 15% increase in the package or caretaking fees for those admitted for rehab programmes.( Chronic cases)
E. On Admission the caretaking fees(on whole)will be calculated on daily basis
15.Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab reserves the right to discharge resident on expiry of the period of rehabilitation or in case of parent/guardian not co operating with the treating team in the interest of the resident/patient.
A. The specialist consultation & related expenses & investigations as advised by the treating doctors will be arranged by Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab staff & included in the monthly bill/debit note. For the facility extended, on that total amount of the bill/debit note 10% handling charges will be included in the debit note.
B. If at any time hospitalizations is required & it is not an emergency, it will be informed to the parent/guardian & they should arrange for the hospitalization, in case of emergency the resident/patient will be admitted to the nearest private or government hospital by Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab staff & intimation will be given to Parent/ Guardian along with approximate cost (hospital charges, attendant and other miscellaneous charges) which has to be deposited to the accounts within 12hrs or the parent / guardian needs to come and take over the further care at the hospital.
C. It shall be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to immediately further update themselves regarding the condition and treatment provided at the Hospital and Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab staff will help parent/guardian with all necessary means in this regard.
D. In case it is not an emergency, Parents/guardians are at liberty to arrange for treatment in a hospital of their choice with the concurrence of the Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab staff.
18.Khuram Nasha Mukth Bharath Rehab reserves the right to change any existing rules or adopt new rules from time to time deemed essential for managing the organization without prior informing parents/Guardian.
- All disputes arising out of this or anything not explicitly mentioned or implied in this are subject to lucknow Jurisdiction only.